Do you think your baby might be going through the 6 month sleep regression? Technically babies can experience a sleep regression at any point but there are some common ages where sleep regressions are more likely to happen, including around 6 months of age.

This is often down to developmental changes in little ones and sleep regressions usually hit at times when your baby is reaching a developmental milestone.

As you can imagine, there’s a lot going on for your baby at 6 months.

  • They may be starting to sit up without support
  • They may have mastered rolling
  • They may have started teething
  • They may be developing new sounds
  • They may now recognise their name
  • You may now also be starting to wean your little one
  • And much more.

And on top of all this their sleep needs are changing. Their wake windows can now stretch a little longer, they may drop from 4 naps to 3 naps, and their nighttime sleep expectancy starts to increase. This is because they start to sleep less in the day and more at night (hopefully).

So you can see that with all this going on, sleep may be impacted. Really this is a time of ‘progression’ and development. It’s all positive, but how do you manage the 6 month sleep regression?

Managing the 6 month sleep regression

If your baby previously slept well and suddenly night sleep and naps have become a problem, it’s quite possible your little one has hit the 6 month sleep regression. If you follow the Wonder Weeks, you’ll also see there is a rather long leap around this time which is hugely related to many of the areas above.

The main thing to remember is that sleep regressions are temporary. Most sleep regressions last between 2-6 weeks, but of course this can vary.

The main thing is to stay consistent. If you didn’t rock or feed your baby to sleep before the 6 month sleep regression started, don’t start now. It’s easy to panic during a sleep regression and just desperately try everything to get your little one to sleep. But remaining consistent and not dramatically changing your routine and techniques is the best thing you can do.

There is one exception to this rule, and that’s your little one’s sleep schedule. Around 6 months, babies can start to cope with slightly longer wake windows, which means if you keep your current schedule you might find your little one fighting naps and bedtime because they’re not quite tired enough. If you want a quick and simple way to see what your baby’s wake windows might look like, then download my FREE Sleep Needs Chart for your one-stop-shop for sleep expectancy by age.

Similarly, babies’ nighttime expectancy increases at this age which means they have the potential to sleep for longer periods overnight and they have now developed the ability to self-settle.

Your baby may need you to show them how to do this though. Just because they have the potential, it doesn’t mean they magically know how to do it.

Can I sleep train during the 6 month sleep regression?

If you’re keen for your little one to self-settle but suspect they’re going through the 6 month sleep regression you may be wondering if it’s worth sleep training. The answer is, don’t let it stop you. Because here’s the thing – we can’t ever be 100% sure your baby is really experiencing a sleep regression.

There may be signs but sleep could be impacted by other things too. And sometimes we even look for things that aren’t there. So my advice would be, if sleep is a problem and you’re really keen to get support, then go ahead.

If it’s not the 6 month sleep regression after all, you could be waiting for ages. So don’t let it stop you.

How do I know if my baby is going through the 6 month sleep regression?

If your baby previously slept well at night but has suddenly started waking more during the night and is struggling to get to sleep at bedtime it’s possible they’re experiencing the 6 month sleep regression. BUT it’s also possible their sleep needs have changed without you realising so their current sleep schedule isn’t appropriate anymore, and that may be causing the issues with sleep.

So it can be very difficult to say for certain. Ensuring you adjust their schedule accordingly is important as this will help to narrow down the problem. It’s easy to assume a sleep regression is causing the problem which means simpler, easier to fix problems get overlooked.

If you’re just not sure and would like some advice, why not book a FREE baby sleep discovery call? Baby sleep can seem like a minefield, but with a little help and guidance everything can become much clearer.