My Sleep Training Packages

As a parent myself, I understand the challenges and frustrations that come with sleepless nights. That’s why I offer personalised packages for sleep training to address your unique needs and help your baby develop healthy sleep habits.

Tailored Sleep Training Packages for Peaceful Nights

My sleep training packages are designed to meet different needs and ultimately help your child get the sleep they need.

Sleep Training

As a parent myself, I understand the challenges and frustrations that come with sleepless nights. That’s why I offer personalised packages for sleep training to address your unique needs and help your baby develop healthy sleep habits.

With my gentle and nurturing approach, we’ll work together to teach your little one the skills they need to sleep soundly through the night. Say goodbye to sleepless struggles and hello to peaceful bedtimes. Let’s embark on this sleep training journey together and create a well-rested family. Start today and experience the joy of restful nights.

Benefits of Sleep Training

Sleep training gives your baby the sleep they need

It’s so important that our little ones get sufficient sleep. Sleep is crucial for babies’ development and studies show that babies and children not getting adequate sleep over long periods of time can have adverse effects on their future development, behaviour and even performance at school further down the line.

Sleep training gives you the sleep you need

Juggling parenthood, your career, homelife, friendships and everything else is exhausting enough as it is. But doing it all sleep deprived is even harder. When your little one sleeps well, you get better sleep too which improves your mood, mental health, relationships and motivation and performance at work.

Sleep training gives you back time and energy

Imagine having your evenings back? Or waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day, rather than wanting to hide under the duvet? Then imagine how you would spend your evenings if your little one fell asleep on time? And imagine what it would feel like to finally feel energised enough to go for that run or swim, or to make it all the way through a movie? Sleep training isn’t just about sleep. It’s about giving everyone back their time and energy. It’s literally life changing.

Sleep training mends relationships

Are you and your partner constantly arguing because you’re both tired and feeling irritable and stressed? Do you hardly see your friends because you can’t go out in the evenings because your baby takes so long to go to sleep or because you’re absolutely exhausted? Sleep training means your baby starts sleeping well, which means you start sleeping well, which means you feel less stressed, which means your relationship with your partner improves. It also means you have time and energy to see your friends and start socialising again.

Sleep training improves physical health

When we sleep our immune systems are working. This especially happens during the first part of the night when we’re in a deeper sleep. If our sleep is constantly disturbed our immune systems are not working as efficiently, therefore you and little one may be more susceptible to coughs, colds and bugs. Good sleep literally improves our immune systems to keep the physical health of your family in much better condition.

Sleep training improves mental health

Lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on our mental health and wellbeing. There are direct links between sleep deprivation and depression, anxiety and stress. The same goes for our little ones. Sleep deprived children are more likely to experience behavioural problems, anxiety, tantrums and low moods. Good sleep is genuinely as important to a healthy lifestyle as a good diet and exercise. It’s really important that we don’t neglect our sleep.

Sleep training gives your baby the sleep they need

It’s so important that our little ones get sufficient sleep. Sleep is crucial for babies’ development and studies show that babies and children not getting adequate sleep over long periods of time can have adverse effects on their future development, behaviour and even performance at school further down the line.

Sleep training gives you the sleep you need

Juggling parenthood, your career, homelife, friendships and everything else is exhausting enough as it is. But doing it all sleep deprived is even harder. When your little one sleeps well, you get better sleep too which improves your mood, mental health, relationships and motivation and performance at work.

Sleep training gives you back time and energy

Imagine having your evenings back? Or waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day, rather than wanting to hide under the duvet? Then imagine how you would spend your evenings if your little one fell asleep on time? And imagine what it would feel like to finally feel energised enough to go for that run or swim, or to make it all the way through a movie? Sleep training isn’t just about sleep. It’s about giving everyone back their time and energy. It’s literally life changing.

Sleep training mends relationships

Are you and your partner constantly arguing because you’re both tired and feeling irritable and stressed? Do you hardly see your friends because you can’t go out in the evenings because your baby takes so long to go to sleep or because you’re absolutely exhausted? Sleep training means your baby starts sleeping well, which means you start sleeping well, which means you feel less stressed, which means your relationship with your partner improves. It also means you have time and energy to see your friends and start socialising again.

Sleep training improves physical health

When we sleep our immune systems are working. This especially happens during the first part of the night when we’re in a deeper sleep. If our sleep is constantly disturbed our immune systems are not working as efficiently, therefore you and little one may be more susceptible to coughs, colds and bugs. Good sleep literally improves our immune systems to keep the physical health of your family in much better condition.

Sleep training improves mental health

Lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on our mental health and wellbeing. There are direct links between sleep deprivation and depression, anxiety and stress. The same goes for our little ones. Sleep deprived children are more likely to experience behavioural problems, anxiety, tantrums and low moods. Good sleep is genuinely as important to a healthy lifestyle as a good diet and exercise. It’s really important that we don’t neglect our sleep.

Real Stories from Happy Parents

Take a look at reviews from my happy sleep training clients, now all enjoying a peaceful nights sleep

Book your free Sleep Training discovery call

Not sure which baby sleep training package suits your needs best?

Book a free discovery call and get more information on my gentle baby sleep methods